The UAE is recognized as the most “trending” country in the Middle East


The influential business magazine CEO World Magazine has published the ranking “The world's trendiest countries, 2023”. According to it, the UAE became the most “trending” country in the Middle East, and took 11th place in the global ranking. Why the United Arab Emirates is again in the lead, we will consider in the article.

The UAE is the most “trending” country in the region

The UAE has entered the top ranking of the most fashionable and modern countries according to CEO World Magazine. This is an American business magazine created for senior executives, large businesses and owners of large private wealth.

In 2023, the UAE is recognized as the most “trending” country among the countries of the Middle East and Africa. In the global ranking, the United Arab Emirates took 11th place, leaving behind Singapore, Sweden and the Netherlands.

France topped the list. The top 3 also included Italy and Canada. Russia ranked 21st in the list.

The rating was compiled on the basis of a survey of 126 thousand people around the world. Each country was rated according to 3 criteria:

  • fashion
  • art, design, culture
  • market competitiveness

The UAE scored 84 points out of 100 possible. The leader of the rating France has the highest score of all countries - 97 points.

UAE in the world rankings leaders

The UAE often occupies a leading position in the world rankings of countries for various indicators. This is facilitated by a growing economy, a high standard of living, a competent policy of the country's government to attract foreign capital and citizens of other states who are comfortable living and working here.  

Here are just some of the rankings in which the UAE is at the top:

  • The most powerful country in the Middle East and the 9th most powerful country in the world, according to the influential American magazine US News. Economic and political influence, the power of the armed forces and international alliances were assessed.
  • 1st in the Middle East and 6th in the world in the list of the best countries to live and work, according to the leading global network for expats InterNations.
  • At the beginning of 2023, the UAE capital Abu Dhabi was named the safest city in the world according to Numbeo, a global service about the cost and quality of life. The top 10 also includes Dubai and Sharjah. This confirms the stability and security of the country for locals, tourists and expats.

UAE is the best country to live and invest in

In 2021, the business magazine CEO World Magazine named the UAE the best emerging economy. The UAE has gone from a fishing village to skyscrapers and world-class facilities, according to a study by the magazine. This was due to good governance and the scope of economic reforms. As a result, the UAE has become one of the most economically successful countries in the world.

The UAE is a comfortable country for foreigners to live and do business. Tax incentives, high standard of living, climate have made the country popular with foreign citizens from all over the world.

This is one of the most profitable countries for real estate investment. The return on investment when renting out housing is 8-15% per annum in foreign currency. This is higher than in Europe or the USA. When reselling real estate, the benefit can reach 50%.

The fact that the UAE is constantly at the top of the global rankings once again confirms the country's desire to achieve the highest results in all spheres of life and economy.

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