The largest IT companies in Dubai: find a job or start your own business


The capital of the UAE is by far the most technologically advanced city in the Middle East. Dubai has good investment opportunities for the development of IT companies; the development of information technologies is supported here at the state level. To start a business, they offer a simplified taxation system, clear corporate governance rules, extensive trade and commercial relations. Not surprisingly, the largest international companies operate in the UAE, such as Google, Meta, Microsoft, Kaspersky Lab, DHL and many others. Young professionals from all over the world seek positions in international corporations.

85% jobs in the capital are occupied by expats, that is, visiting employees. Dubai has a population of 3.5 million in 2022. Every year, the capital of the UAE attracts tens of thousands of emigrants, and the situation will not change in the near future. First, people left because of the pandemic, and now because of the unstable economic situation in the world. Newcomers, as a rule, get a positive experience of moving: they find a job, buy or rent an apartment.

Open an IT business or get hired

The right to legal stay in the country is given by two visa options: Visa Nomada and Golden Visa. The first option is suitable for people with earnings from 5 000$ per month. To apply for a Visa Nomada, you will need an employment contract concluded for a period of at least a year. Golden Visa is available to business owners. The minimum account balance required to obtain a visa is 136 000$. If you do not plan to open your own business or work for a company, you can get a GoFreelance resident visa. 

Skilled IT specialists are in demand among employers. You can find current vacancies in this area at or It is important to calculate in advance the financial expenses for accommodation, meals, paperwork and set a minimum wage for yourself.

Registration of an IT company

To open your own IT business, we first determine its form: offshore business structure, offshore or free zone. Then we proceed according to the algorithm.

  • Choosing a company name.
  • Preparation of documents consists in translation into Arabic and obtaining notarization.
  • Office search.
  • Submission of documents to the Department of Economic Development.
  • Opening a corporate bank account.

Rent property or buy

Another important component of the organization of life in the UAE is the housing issue. When choosing a rented apartment, it should be taken into account that long-term rent from a year is common in the country. Finding a property for a couple of months will be problematic. Accordingly, the amount of payment will be high. But many landlords make concessions and give the opportunity to pay for accommodation in two or three times. The average price for a rented apartment with furniture will be 1000$ per month.
If you intend to buy property in Dubai, you should not be limited only to the central areas. The purchase price here will be several times higher than in areas displaced from the center. For example, the average cost per square meter in Dubai Marina is 4,500$, and in Palm Jumeirah, about 5,000$. While other areas are also comfortable and safe to live in. Deira- one of the inexpensive quarters, buying a two-bedroom apartment here will cost 340 000$.

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